Accommodation Arrangement

Advance Accommodation Arrangement

Advance Accommodation Arrangement

Usually the most convenient option, students can choose between on-campus and off-campus accommodations. On-campus facilities usually consist of halls of residence or student hostels, whilst off-campus accommodations mainly consist of school-owned private apartments or houses. When accepting the course offer from the university or college, do indicate if you require accommodation.

Some institutions offer fully-catered accommodation at a token daily cost of between USD 2.50 and USD 5.00, while others are usually self-catered. When choosing off-campus accommodation, among things to take note of are the walking distance to school, furnishing, and the range of amenities provided.

QETC guides students on accommodation matters weather it is On-campus Accommodation by booking the right accommodation for the student as well Off-campus accommodation by assisting the student find a suitable housing outside the campus.

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  • Bruno Acselrad


    (topedu) team represents among the highest levels of customer service I have experienced. Information was accurate, responses to queries were turned around very fast.

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    Lelia, London
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  • I chatted with (topedu). He was very helpful and answered all my questions concerning my (Service). I believe he had my interest at heart and found the best coverage for me at a good price. Read more

    Thomas, London